etc. Tree Automata Techniques and Applications

etc. Tree Automata Techniques and Applications

Comon H.
Université de Lille, 2008, -262 pp.During the past few years, several of us have been asked many times about references on finite tree automata. On one hand, this is the witness of the liveness of this field. On the other hand, it was difficult to answer. Besides several excellent survey chapters on more specific topics, there is only one monograph devoted to tree automata by Gecseg and Steinby. Unfortunately, it is now impossible to find a copy of it and a lot of work has been done on tree automata since the publication of this book. Actually using tree automata has proved to be a powerful approach to simplify and extend previously known results, and also to find new results. For instance recent works use tree automata for application in abstract interpretation using set constraints, rewriting, automated theorem proving and program verification, databases and XML schema languages.
Tree automata have been designed a long time ago in the context of circuit verification. Many famous researchers contributed to this school which was headed by A. Church in the late 50’s and the early 60’s: B. Trakhtenbrot, J.R. Buchi, M.O. Rabin, Doner, Thatcher, etc. Many new ideas came out of this program. For instance the connections between automata and logic. Tree automata also appeared first in this framework, following the work of Doner, Thatcher and Wright. In the 70’s many new results were established concerning tree automata, which lose a bit their connections with the applications and were studied for their own. In particular, a problem was the very high complexity of decision procedures for the monadic second order logic. Applications of tree automata to program verification revived in the 80’s, after the relative failure of automated deduction in this field. It is possible to verify temporal logic formulas (which are particular Monadic Second Order Formulas) on simpler (small) programs. Automata, and in particular tree automata, also appeared as an approximation of programs on which fully automated tools can be used. New results were obtained connecting properties of programs or type systems or rewrite systems with automata.
Our goal is to fill in the existing gap and to provide a textbook which presents the basics of tree automata and several variants of tree automata which have been devised for applications in the aforementioned domains. We shall discuss only finite tree automata, and the reader interested in infinite trees should consult any recent survey on automata on infinite objects and their applications (See the bibliography). The second main restriction that we have is to focus on the operational aspects of tree automata. This book should appeal the reader who wants to have a simple presentation of the basics of tree automata, and to see how some variations on the idea of tree automata have provided a nice tool for solving difficult problems. Therefore, specialists of the domain probably know almost all the material embedded. However, we think that this book can be helpful for many researchers who need some knowledge on tree automata. This is typically the case of a PhD student who may find new ideas and guess connections with his (her) own work.
Again, we recall that there is no presentation nor discussion of tree automata for infinite trees. This domain is also in full development mainly due to applications in program verification and several surveys on this topic do exist. We have tried to present a tool and the algorithms devised for this tool. Therefore, most of the proofs that we give are constructive and we have tried to give as many complexity results as possible. We don’t claim to present an exhaustive description of all possible finite tree automata already presented in the literature and we did some choices in the existing menagerie of tree automata. Although some works are not described thoroughly (but they are usually described in exercises), we think that the content of this book gives a good flavor of what can be done with the simple ideas supporting tree automata.
This book is an open work and we want it to be as interactive as possible. Readers and specialists are invited to provide suggestions and improvements. Submissions of contributions to new chapters and improvements of existing ones are welcome.
Among some of our choices, let us mention that we have not defined any precise language for describing algorithms which are given in some pseudo algorithmic language. Also, there is no citation in the text, but each chapter ends with a section devoted to bibliographical notes where credits are made to the relevant authors. Exercises are also presented at the end of each chapter. Tree Automata Techniques and Applications is composed of eight main chapters (numbered 1–8). The first one presents tree automata and defines recognizable tree languages. The reader will find the classical algorithms and the classical closure properties of the class of recognizable tree languages. Complexity results are given when they are available. The second chapter gives an alternative presentation of recognizable tree languages which may be more relevant in some situations. This includes regular tree grammars, regular tree expressions and regular equations. The description of properties relating regular tree languages and context-free word languages form the last part of this chapter. In Chapter 3, we show the deep connections between logic and automata. In particular, we prove in full details the correspondence between finite tree automata and the weak monadic second order logic with k successors. We also sketch several applications in various domains.
Chapter 4 presents a basic variation of automata, more precisely automata with equality constraints. An equality constraint restricts the application of rules to trees where some subtrees are equal (with respect to some equality relation). Therefore we can discriminate more easily between trees that we want to accept and trees that we must reject. Several kinds of constraints are described, both originating from the problem of non-linearity in trees (the same variable may occur at different positions).
In Chapter 5 we consider automata which recognize sets of sets of terms. Such automata appeared in the context of set constraints which themselves are used in program analysis. The idea is to consider, for each variable or each predicate symbol occurring in a program, the set of its possible values. The program gives constraints that these sets must satisfy. Solving the constraints gives an upper approximation of the values that a given variable can take. Such an approximation can be used to detect errors at compile time: it acts exactly as a typing system which would be inferred from the program. Tree set automata (as we call them) recognize the sets of solutions of such constraints (hence sets of sets of trees). In this chapter we study the properties of tree set automata and their relationship with program analysis.
Originally, automata were invented as an intermediate between function description and their implementation by a circuit. The main related problem in the sixties was the synthesis problem: which arithmetic recursive functions can be achieved by a circuit? So far, we only considered tree automata which accepts sets of trees or sets of tuples of trees (Chapter 3) or sets of sets of trees (Chapter 5). However, tree automata can also be used as a computational device. This is the subject of Chapter 6 where we study tree transducers. In Chapter 7 we present basic properties of alternating automata. As an application we consider set constraints that have already been introduced in Chapter 5.
In Chapter 8 we drop the restriction for ranked trees that the label of a node determines the number of successors of this node, so we consider the model of unranked ordered trees. This model is used for representing the structure of XML documents. We discuss the basic model of hedge automaton, study its algorithmic and closure properties, and then present some formalisms used in practice to define classes of XML documents.Recognizable Tree Languages and Finite Tree Automata
Regular Grammars and Regular Expressions
Logic, Automata and Relations
Automata with Constraints
Tree Set Automata
Tree Transducers
Alternating Tree Automata
Automata for Unranked Trees
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